Take Time To Reflect

One of the keys to learning and making the most of your personal development is to Take Time to Reflect. Reflect means to look back, to study where you’ve been. There are some great times to reflect. One of those times that is particularly good is at the end of the day. At the end of each day, go back over what happened. What did you say and do? What worked and didn’t work? Did you accomplish what you started out to accomplish? What could you do better or change that would make the day more successful? Take Time to Reflect every day.

Another good time to reflect is at the end of the week. Review you calendar for the past week. Did you meet your goals for appointments? How did they go? How many new team members did you get? What went right and what went wrong? Did you accomplish what you set out to accomplish? What could you have done better or changed to be more successful? Take Time to Reflect every week.

Another habit to get into is to reflect at the end of each month. Take a half a day and go back over your notes to reflect on the past month. Ask yourself the same questions. Review what you’ve read and heard. Review what’s worked and what you can change to make your next month more successful. Take Time to Reflect each month.

Finally, take time at the end of the year to reflect and summarize your whole year. Review your monthly notes and determine what went right and what went wrong. How did you grow? How did you learn? How did you change? Ask yourself what you have to do looking forward to make next year your best year ever?  Take Time to Reflect each year.

Take Time to Reflect by yourself and Take Time to Reflect with somebody else. If you don’t, the experiences and lessons you’ve learned will be lost forever. Self-mastery is about taking the path to learn, study, and then, Taking Time to Reflect. It’s the quest to become better than you are now.

Have an awesome day and grow.

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