Focus on Helping Others

“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”–Napoleon Hill

If you really want to overcome failure, then put your emphasis on helping others. Focus on others and not on yourself.  Dr. Karl Menninger said, ” Generous people are rarely mentally ill people.” We are less likely to focus on ourselves when we are trying to help others. Many of us take ourselves too seriously. This has been a character flaw of mine that I have had to work hard on. I had to learn to lighten up and not take myself so seriously. By focusing on helping others, it has allowed me to not take myself and life so seriously.

When you focus on helping others succeed, you start to put the team first. A great example of this was when David Robinson, one of the greatest fifty players in NBA history, became a totally different player so the San Antonio Spurs could win the NBA Championship. In 1999 he relinquished the ball offensively to Tim Duncan and became more of a defensive and rebounding player. The result of his unselfish activity was success for everyone else on the team.

When you focus on helping others succeed, you need to be constantly adding value to others. Would people say they are better or worse off for knowing you? Are you adding value to their lives? Do you go the extra mile in helping others? Zig Ziglar says, “You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.” How can we accomplish that? One way is to start putting others ahead of yourself in your heart and mind. If you do that you will put them first in your actions.

One of the great business models out there today is the Network Marketing business. The business model is built on helping others grow and succeed and as Zig says, If you help enough other people get what they want, then you’ll get what you want. That’s just not typical in the traditional business models or in corporate America.

Another way to add value to others is to know what they care about. What matters to them? If you know how people spend their time and money, you’ll know what they value. If you know what they value, you can add value to them.  Once you know what matters to them, do your best to meet their needs without regard for what you might get in return.

Focus today on helping someone and have an awesome day.

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