Live a Balanced Life

The past couple of weeks we have been talking about the steps to riches. We have talked before about maintaining balance in our lives and I just happened to pick up Paul Orberson’s book again called “Something Goods Gonna Happen.” If you haven’t had a chance to read this book, it’s a great book written about the life story of Paul Orberson. Paul is one of the most authentic Christian men I know and he was able to go to work for a company in the Network Marketing Industry and in six short years was able to retire very wealthy. It’s a great story about how Paul persevered through the typical trials and tribulations that most of us go through and he just never gave up.

In his book Paul writes, “I have concluded that a person who has wealth, but no health, is a poor man. Someone with health and wealth, but no relationships, is a poor man. A person with wealth, health and good relationships, but no spiritual direction, is a poor man. As I have focused on each of these aspects of my life, I have learned that balance is the key to success.”

Paul goes on to say that having battled cancer helped him to realize the fact that life is short. All the more reason to go for it. Don’t leave any regrets. Don’t wish you would have done something, just go and do it. Even though we know that a key to success is to have a definite plan and to have an absolute focus on accomplishing that plan, it has to be in conjunction with balance in all aspects of our lives. Life is about a balanced passion.

Have an incredible day and be passionately balanced.

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