There are basically two types of knowledge. There is general knowledge and there is specialized knowledge. Acquiring specialized knowledge is the fourth step to riches. You heard it said that knowledge is power, but that isn’t necessarily true unless it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed towards a definite end.
This doesn’t mean that you have to the specialized knowledge yourself, but you do need to know where to get the knowledge when you need it and be able to organize it into a plan of action. First, you have to decide what specialized knowledge is required and the purpose for which it is required. Your major purpose in life or the goal you want to accomplish will determine what knowledge you need. Your next move is to determine where to get the knowledge. It can be acquired from your own experience, experiences of others, formal study or just self-study.
Successful people never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their major purpose, profession, or business. Unsuccessful people simply stop learning. The person who stops learning is generally doomed to a life of mediocrity. The way of success is through continuous learning and self mastery.
Learn specialized knowledge every day and have an awesome day.