Manage Your Attitude Through Exercise

Another tool in the toolbox for managing our attitude is exercising. This is one of the best ways to move towards a more positive and motivated frame of mind. A regular exercise program can give you feedback in the form of weight loss, muscle tone, or just a sense of doing something good for yourself.

The best time to exercise is in the morning because it gets your metabolism going. Usually, the first thing I do when I get up in the morning is to ride my stationary bike for 30 minutes. During that time, I’m listening to self-help and life changing CD’s. This gets the day off to a great start and I don’t have to think or worry about doing it later if my day gets real busy, which it always does.

Exercise will not only give you energy, but will extend your longevity. When you feel good about yourself physically, you’ll feel good about yourself mentally. Your self-confidence and self-esteem will grow. When you feel good about yourself mentally, your able to control and manage your attitude.

Does this track with your belief system?  Do you feel good about your exercise program or is it non-existent? Get disturbed enough to do something about it.  One of the front page headlines this last week was how overweight and obese America is getting and how it will affect our health care system and costs. We are all busy but we need to make sure we devote time to ourselves.

Do something for yourself by exercising and make it an awesome day.


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