Jeff Olson says, “The size of the problem determines the size of the person.” Most people see larger or different problems as negatives and then infect their own lives with negativity. Jeff says you can gauge the limitations of a person’s life by the size of the problems that get her or him down. You can measure the impact of a person’s life by the size of the problems he or she solves. A person’s income will also be determined by the size of the problems they solve”.
The gap between where we are now and where we want to be cannot last forever. It must resolve itself. There are two ways to resolve the gap. The first way to solve it is to stop dreaming. Remember what pulls those who dwell on the failure curve, the past. Just let go of all your dreams and aspirations. Settle for less and the gap goes away. The second way to resolve the gap is to move steadily closer and closer to where you want to be. Be pulled along to your dream by the future.
People with vivid, clearly articulated dreams that live a life with passion and purpose become practically unstoppable. If we look at the lives of Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Thomas Edison, what made them unstoppable in living out their dreams? It was the power of their dreams. The vision each of these people was so strong that nothing was going to stop them.
These people didn’t start out being famous people. They were just like you and me. Ordinary people that lived life for a dream they cared about and kept alive every day.
Remember, you can’t stand still. Everything is constantly changing. There are only two possibilities. Either you give up on where you want to be or you get to where you want to go. Either you give up on your dreams or you go for it. Either you settle for what you are or you grow and stretch to become the best person you can be. It’s your choice.
Live a life of passion and go fulfill your dreams. Go for it.
God Bless.