
In business, many people make the mistake of thinking because they are busy, they are being productive. Just because we are busy and have a lot of activity doesn’t necessarily mean we are creating success, but doing the right things will. In the insurance business, it’s very easy to do busy work and not make the calls that you need to to keep your business growing. I believe this is true in all businesses. The questions we need to ask ourselves are, what are the daily actions that are productive and will get me where I want to go? Did these actions help me take a step forward?

Many of us never take the time to ask ourselves these kinds of questions. Were so busy doing that we don’t take time to reflect and look introspectively at our lives and our progress. Did I eat healthy today and exercise or not? Did the people I associated with today empower me and in what way? Did I read something that contributed to my success today? Did I have positive conversations today or just complain and gossip? Did I tell someone, “I Love You”? Did I do the things I know lead to success in my life? Did I build someone else’s dream today or my own? At the end of the day ask yourself, “What actions did I do today that made me successful?

There are numerous ways to practice reflection. Whether its constantly reflecting on all your actions or simply taking time at the end of the day to reflect is up to you. Another possibility is to keep a journal of the answers to your reflections. Did you do the simple little things that move you forward and keep you on the success curve. Another alternative is to find an accountability partner to help keep you on task and willing to ask you the tough questions. “How did your day go?

Whatever method you use, make sure that you find time to reflect, day in and day out, without fail. If we do this, we will start to see improvement in different aspects of our lives and over the course of time we will continue to improve and do the simple little things that will accomplish our dreams.

Make a promise to yourself to utilize reflection every day and use it to become the best person you can be.

Have an awesome day.


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