Do you have any incomplete things in your life? Any unfinished projects? Any unkept promises both to yourself or to others? Any agreements or commitments left undone? Each and every time we don’t complete something in life or work, we put a drain on our sense of accomplishment and success. Incomplete promises, commitments, and agreements keeps bringing you to the past to get them taken care of. Remember that successful people are pulled by the future, and unsuccessful people are pulled by the past. Incomplete things keep the past alive.
The more things that we don’t complete the harder it becomes to actually get them completed. It can be overwhelming and whatever reason you had for not completing them at first just becomes more difficult as time goes by and more things remain incomplete. It might be a fear of confronting an issue, feeling intimidated or overwhelmed by it, worrying it might be difficult or uncomfortable, or maybe the most common, just not enough time.
Whatever the reason, you just need to get started completing these items, one at a time. Just take small steps, and start by completing the easy ones, then work your way up to completing the larger ones. Just find something you can do and do that. Make a phone call. Write a letter. Invest 15 minutes a day to complete something every day. Every time you complete something you lighten the burden of whats hanging over your head. This is a great way to gather momentum and harness the power of completion.
Have a magnificent day and keep completing those agreements and commitments.